Join us for our last boarding meeting of the 2018-19 school year! We will meet in the Ed Tech Office. Please see the attached map to find the room on the SFS Campus.
Hosted by SFS on June 5th - 7th. (June 5th will be a half day afternoon session. June 6th - 7th will be full days)
Participate in guided exploration of leadership issues in an array of IB contexts (also relevant to non-IB schools). Turn cultural challenges into strong engagement with diverse communities.
Cost: $600 ($100 discount if 5 or more participants sign up from the same school)
SFS has the capacity to invite up to 10 participants from one other school to this event. Please ask your colleagues and let us know how many from your school are interested.
Hosted by SFS on June 5th - 7th. (June 5th will be a half day afternoon session. June 6th - 7th will be full days)
Participate in guided exploration of leadership issues in an array of IB contexts (also relevant to non-IB schools). Turn cultural challenges into strong engagement with diverse communities.
Cost: $600 ($100 discount if 5 or more participants sign up from the same school)
SFS has the capacity to invite up to 10 participants from one other school to this event. Please ask your colleagues and let us know how many from your school are interested.
Hosted by SFS on June 5th - 7th. (June 5th will be a half day afternoon session. June 6th - 7th will be full days)
Participate in guided exploration of leadership issues in an array of IB contexts (also relevant to non-IB schools). Turn cultural challenges into strong engagement with diverse communities.
Cost: $600 ($100 discount if 5 or more participants sign up from the same school)
SFS has the capacity to invite up to 10 participants from one other school to this event. Please ask your colleagues and let us know how many from your school are interested.