Events Calendar

Week of Sep 24th



    All day
    September 27, 2019


    Dear Colleagues,

    Seoul Foreign School is delighted to host our first annual “Seoul of a Leader” Leadership Conference for current and aspiring school leaders in education!  The Seoul of A Leader Conference will be held on Friday, September 27 at Seoul Foreign School. The three main goals of this conference are to connect school leaders, share best practice, and inspire future leaders as we move forward with the common goal of supporting all students in their academic, social, and emotional learning journey.

    We are pleased to announce our Keynote speaker, Mr. Bob Bordone.  Bob Bordone is the Thaddeus R. Beal Clinical Professor of Law at Harvard Law School and the founder of the Harvard Law School Negotiation and Mediation Clinical Program. Mr. Bordone will be speaking about Conflict Resolution as a 21st Century Leadership Skill. Our hope is that this conference will be a time where colleagues share their knowledge and practice with one another. We are seeking for a number of educational leaders here in Seoul to present and share on a topic of their choice. We are particularly interested in Women in leadership and plan on hosting a panel discussion as part of the conference.

    Please click on this link here, which will take you directly to the Seoul of a Leader website and give you further information on the conference logistics such as registration, cost, location, schedules, and the call for presenters.  We look forward to seeing you at the conference!

    Warm Regards,

    David Beaty - Director of Technology, SFS

    Margaret Park - MS Counselor, SFS

    Matt Johnson - MS Assistant Principal, SFS

    Call for Presenters

    Register Now

    39 YEONHUI-RO 22-GIL
    Seodaemun Gu
    South Korea

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